Schizoid forums
For discussions relating to being a schizoid.
New here?
Introduce yourself! Nobody here is qualified to diagnose you, but we may offer an opinion anyway.
- Discussions:
- 1,301
- Messages:
- 14,046
Schizoid life
About life for schizoids, comparing experiences and exploring what it means to be a schizoid.
- Discussions:
- 3,077
- Messages:
- 69,377
All polls (except those belonging in The Gutter or You've got to be kidding...) should go here. Threads here are listed according to the time of their first post. Note: A poll may be added after the opening post is submitted by clicking the Thread Tools menu.
- Discussions:
- 1,518
- Messages:
- 46,228
The wailing wall
Talk about the general bitchyness of life as a schizoid, the intolerable lightness of existence, stuff you dislike or the pain of talking to people. Anything goes, but preferably with a schizoid perspective.
- Discussions:
- 684
- Messages:
- 17,035
Partners and others
For you who are not schizoid, but nonetheless have an interest because you're a partner or relative to a presumed schizoid or a professional or student
- Discussions:
- 103
- Messages:
- 3,687
Resources for schizoids
A place to share or discuss specific resources that schizoids may find useful. Such resources may be books, websites, articles etc.
- Discussions:
- 177
- Messages:
- 5,677
Academic discussions
More serious discussions into causes of schizoidism, is there a "cure" and do we want or need one?, How to live as a schizoid and enjoy it, schizoid activism/projects/ideas etc. Explore the general more than just your own experience.
- Discussions:
- 476
- Messages:
- 8,877
Apropos of nothing
These forums are for discussing anything, not just schizoid topics.
Talk about all sorts of games here, be they online, offline, computer or boardgames
Music and Film
Or for any other discussions on the arts or entertainment. Feel free to share your own efforts in this area.
- Discussions:
- 491
- Messages:
- 22,238
The Book Forum
For discussion of fiction and non-fiction books. Books about SPD should be discussed in Resources for Schizoids.
- Discussions:
- 144
- Messages:
- 3,240
Society and culture
For any thoughts on religion, politics or other aspects of the world.
- Discussions:
- 773
- Messages:
- 52,134
Anything but SPD
Let's pretend we're normal for a while and talk about something else!
- Discussions:
- 870
- Messages:
- 29,007
You've got to be kidding...
you can't post that on a forum for schizoids, can you? Yes you can! This is for the lighter side of our grim lives, for humor and the stuff that makes other people think we're a little strange.
- Discussions:
- 391
- Messages:
- 18,306
Ignore Threads by Nobita